Board Member in Attendance:
Tim DiMarco, Treasurer / Secretary
Dan Achtor, Vice President
HOA currently has no President.
Homeowners in Attendance
Larry & Carol Raklios, Michelle & William Verner, Marlowe Fenne, Ziad & Danielle Ashour
· Direction of Neighborhood
· Minutes Review
· Ideas to build community improve the neighborhood
Meeting Minutes:
• The entire group agreed that the direction of the neighborhood is downhill, we proceeded to list out the issues in the community that could be addressed and how to address them.
• The group discussed that the HOA board does not necessarily need to be the one responsible for addressing all the issues.
• We can foster community in the neighborhood by trying to get people active and engaged.
• We can empower people in the neighborhood to take on projects without asking for the HOA
• The group that called the meeting said that they were all interested parties that were willing to pitch in and take on neighborhood projects and project leadership around the neighborhood.
• A neighborhood party was discussed for the week of Labor Day (either on Labor Day - Sept 2nd or on the weekend after - Sept 6th or 7th)
• A number of actions were assigned and ideas were generated (below).
• The next all-HOA meeting was discussed and is being planned for 6-8 weeks from now.
List of Issues:
• Monument is dilapidated and needs power washing, and lighting fixed, new plants, and irrigation. Desire to bring it back to what it was years ago with lighting and flowers and plants that are alive.
• The group discussed options and a plan moving forward was settled on and actions assigned.
• Common area landscaping is subpar and needs to be improved
• Potential new landscapers were discussed. Larry is investigating a lead on better and cheaper landscapers.
• Communication - HOA board does not communicate well. Needs addressing
• The group discussed ideas like a monthly/quarterly newsletter that includes what’s going on and potentially a naughty list.
• HOA Funding - $375 dues have not been increased in 20 years. The group agreed that the board should increase the dues by 15% for the year 2020. The board agreed. The request was made to map the increase back to the issues and what we’re going to do with the money.
• Homeowners with overgrown landscaping needs addressing. The group expressed concern that many many neighbors are not maintaining their lawns - especially in very visible parts of the neighborhood (on the main road). Homeowners are also not maintaining their gravel or their culverts.
• The group discussed at length the options that the HOA has to enforce homeowners that do not keep up their lawns and in progression of escalation the ideas are as follows.
• 1 - Discussion from interested neighbor, Not HOA
• 2 - Potential street or neighborhood project
• 3 - Warning Letter from HOA
• 4 - Hire landscapers independently and send a bill to the homeowner.
• 5 - If landscaping bill is not paid, a lien may be placed on the house.
• (The group discussed whether we wanted to be the type of neighborhood to place liens, and while the group thought we should be able to solve issues without getting to this level, the most members of the group agreed that this needs to be on the table. The HOA board agrees.)
• Gravel in neighborhood is out of control, urgently needs weeding.
• Removal & Replacement of gravel by King county was discussed. Actions assigned.
Actions Assigned
Larry Raklios
• Getting gravel removed replaced by King County - Scope & Timeline
• Irrigation at Monument
Marlowe & William
• Power wash and seal monument
• Look into new plants for the monument
• Investigate solar power
• Talk to guy on the corner about his lawn
• Get the water turned back on
• Update names/contact info in directory
• Give William rental property owner information
• Now responsible for neighborhood communication. Scope and channels to be determined by her.
Communication - monthly/quarterly newsletter that includes what’s going on and potentially a naughty list.
Monthly community project. Submit your ideas or ask for help in your yard and once a month the team will pick a project and we’ll all jump in and help and get the problem solved quickly.
Street Rep - each cul-de-sac and the main road will have a representative assigned for driving community, involvement, interest and projects on each street.